So the battery light came on in my little commuter car. A Ford Escort ZX 2.
So I figured the battery was about dead after 4 years and replaced it.
Nope, battery light still on. So we had the charging system checked and Les Schwab said it was bad. At that point it was either send it to Ford for $300+ or get the wrenches out in 103 degree heat.
We got the wrenches. After a bit of a tussle with the belt tensioner that scared the bejeebus out of me we started wrenching in earnest.
Well, you see.
Well, I'm on medication for an awful ear infection that put me out of work for over a week and in to the E.R. for two days. Now, remember I work for a software company (dig the wife's visor for a hint) and I tend to work at home (I have the best boss in the world) so when I work I ain't digging ditches so it isn't strenuous. I only point this out to illustrate how bad the ear infection had to be to keep ME from working.
I'm on medication.
The medication says plainly on the side of the bottle to keep out of direct Natural or Artificial Sunlight!!!
Remember? I live in Manteca? 103 degrees?
Vomiting in the front yard.
The back yard, the front bathroom, the back bathroom and on the new sofa.
I tried but it was too tough coach.
Luckily I married a Gadd woman (nee' Hogan). You people who know know what I mean.
Cristophi fought and defeated the ZX2 in the driveway while I puked in the house.
I love that woman.
Boy, some people will sure go to extremes to get out of work. Heh.
You iz one lucky dude!!! Nothing wrong with a woman bending a wrench!! You gotta know where your strength's are and use 'em... and do I know about those meds...
You stay out of the sun because of the sun "burn" effect brown boy...
You are just allergic to work.
I never burn.
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