Locals at a village pub in Norfolk are beating the credit crunch by bartering home-grown produce for pints. The Pigs public house, in Edgefield, near Holt, encourages drinkers to contribute to its traditional food menu in return for free alcohol. A sign placed inside the pub reads: "If you grow, breed, shoot or steal anything that may look at home on our menu, bring it in and let's do a deal." Pints have been exchanged for a kilo of potatoes, three whole mackerel and a kilo of fresh fruit. Locally shot rabbits, pheasants and pigeons have also been exchanged for beer. Manager Cloe Wasey, 24, said the offer has been a success as people have started to feel the credit crunch. "Someone will say 'that rabbit tasted great' and we say 'here, meet the person who shot it'. It's also a challenge for the chef to make the most of the ingredients."
Another early sign of food shortages. Keep watch on this pubs menu - "Today Special - Local Fresh - Pickled Flanigan Meat Pie" aka soylent green pie.
"...IT'S PEOPLE!!!..."
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