The Corporate world...

Seems to me that a guy used to come out of school and either go to college or straight to work and either route included busting your ass and climbing the corporate/industrial ladder toward your retirement/pension. Nowadays (Wow, does using that word make me old?) it's completely up to you to take care of your retirement - - with a few exceptions. My whole point is that most folks I know aren't so much climbing the ladder as tunneling their way out of the prison that is the modern workplace and with the economy heading the way it is things look bleak.

So , I was struck as to how topical the comic above seemed to be given my present state of mind.

Maybe you see it and maybe you don't but I find this to be a perfect snapshot of the world we live in.

I stole the comic from Wirecutter at and added my own thoughts.

Thanks man.

1 comment:

wirecutter said...

Hey, it ain't like I never stole anything from you!
But I like the thoughts you added but now I really feel depressed about going back to work.