
Step back and these images seem speckled and blurry but take a closer look and each part becomes clear.
They are made up from thousands of products we use every day in our throwaway society.
One image shows a pair of breasts but look closely and each spec reveals itself to be a Barbie doll.
32,000 Barbie dolls make up the of women in the US who have breast enlarge-ment surgery every month
The 1.5m x 2m (5ft x 6ft 6in) photograph depicts 32,000 of the plastic dolls – the number of women in the US who undergo breast enlargement surgery every month.
Photographer Chris Jordan painstakingly assembled them in circular arrangements for the photomontage. It is one of a series of portraits in his Running The Numbers project which aims to show the large-scale waste of consumerism in the US.
The ex-corporate lawyer who turned to photography five years ago, said he was trying to encourage people to take action by translating 'gigantic numbers' into visual images.

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